Treadmill ECG Exercise Test

What is a Treadmill ECG Exercise Test

A Treadmill ECG test is when you walk on a treadmill, while your heart is being monitored.  It is also called an exercise ECG (or EKG).  This test enables your cardiologist to see changes in how your heart works while you exercise.  This test is also known as a “stress test” or a “treadmill test.”

Why is a Treadmill ECG Test undertaken?

Your GP may refer you for this test because some ECG abnormalities can only be seen during exercise, or while you are having symptoms.

How long does the Treadmill ECG test take?

The Treadmill Exercise test takes around 20 minutes, including the initial resting ECG.

Preparing for a Treadmill ECG Exercise Test

As you will be walking on a treadmill for up to 15 minutes, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, and exercise clothing if this is convenient. It is helpful if you do not use body lotion/oil before your treadmill ECG.